Affirmations For Hopes And Dreams

I’m now able to turn my dreams into realities.
It’s okay to make my dreams come TRUE.
I am guilt-free about making my dreams come TRUE.
I own my dreams and I give them wings.
I’m dedicated to making my dreams my reality.
Watching my dreams become reality is exciting for me.
It’s okay to have fun fulfilling my dreams.
The sooner I start my dream the sooner it manifests.
I know dreams definitely come TRUE.
All my dreams are destined to come TRUE.
I let my wildest dreams come TRUE.
I’m completely motivated to let my dreams come TRUE.
I now refuse to give up my dreams.
It’s okay to live my dream.
I choose today to begin to materialize my dream.
Today I confidently stride toward my dreams.
Fantasy is only reality that hasn’t happened yet.
I visualize my dreams and bring them into being.
I manifest my desires quickly and joyfully.

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