Browse Our Library Of Over 200 Of The Best Subliminal MP3s CDs
Powerful Subliminals That Can Reprogram Your Mind & Create Positive Lasting Changes!

“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts” James Allen As a Man Thinketh Unleash Your True HIDDEN Potential For Amazing Super Learning And Mind Reprogramming!
“There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed” Ray Goforth
Women will naturally gather round you like bees to honey. No need to try to “impress” them with insincere learned patter. You will have what women are naturally attracted to alpha male magnetism!
Discover your latent ability to know when you are dreaming and choose whether to “take over” or let the dream continue.
Begin to respect – and even love – your body.
Restore natural, radiant health!
Enjoy exercise and healthy food!
For Only $69.95 Download 5 Carefully Selected Titles To Boost Your Success.
All In One Subliminal Booster Packs.

Special Features
Full dynamic range high-quality audio files typically not found elsewhere.
Safe to use by anyone.
New optimized reprogramming techniques to ensure maximum effectiveness.
Play in background.
Powerful Embedded Hypnotic Subliminal Message Scripts.
Fully compatible With Any Android Phone, PC or Music Player.
3 Step system to prime your mind to be most receptive.
FREE Subliminal MP3 Download – Master The Law of Attraction (Bonus Track)
NLP Hypnosis MetaVision™ Program
Utilizes the latest learning research in the fields of neurobiology, neurophysiology, neurolinguistics, as well as information theory – so you can begin to utilize the other 90% of your brain’s capacity and finally realize the virtually infinite horizons of your ‘mastermind’!
SEEM™ – Subliminally Encoded and Embedded Messages
The digitally encoded modulation of the vocal messages means the conscious mind cannot comprehend the subliminal messages. Yet through a process known as “compensation” these words can be easily interpreted by the subconscious mind and begin the process of inner change.
Silent Technology
A new revolution in subconscious programming technology. Utilizes the ability of the subconscious to hear what the conscious cannot, to offer an effective and powerful new way to communicate with our inner-selves. You can now go about your daily business and BE SURE that you are receiving your DAILY DOSE of re-programming or learning.
Creating Change
The shortest and most direct way to achieving your goals in life and to unleash your full potential – is through YOUR MIND!
We will show you how you can quickly harness the power of your mind to create a life filled with more passion, excitement, confidence, and joy than you could have ever imagined.
Whatever your biggest desire or dream is at this point in your life, you have the ability to achieve and create it.
It really is within your reach
No matter how desperate your situation is, no matter how distant and out of reach your aspirations may seem, you will soon discover how you can finally break free from the chains that bind you and finally start making your dreams come true.
In fact, the subliminal recordings you are about to experience are so simple to use, you will be amazed at how easy your life will be transformed.
A whole new world of opportunities await
All successful people have learned the secrets of how to harness their special power within to get what they want out of life and now you can too!
There is an infinite source of intelligence and wisdom within you called the miracle of your subconscious mind.
When awakened, this inner giant creates magic. Not stage magic but the real magic of manifestation contained within YOU.
Everyone has this at birth but few recognize its power and use it to its maximum potential.
Now is your chance to experience it
We do not exist to be ordinary. We come to enjoy and to realize our full potential and release our infinite and universal power to live a life that’s extraordinary.
Cruise Control

Through research, it has been discovered that our conscious minds are only capable of doing two or three things at once but our unconscious minds are capable of doing so very much more.
Our subconscious is that which takes care of us when we drive from one place to another and cannot remember exactly how we did that. It has immense power and whether you recognize it or not plays a very important part in our lives.
Our subconscious mind leads us to the destination of life that it believes we want to go in!
Our actions and behaviors, follow the instructions deeply embedded in our subconscious without even realizing it. Just as we unconsciously follow instructions when driving our car.
A computer might need a million instructions to achieve what we do but we do it on ‘auto-pilot’. All without “consciously” thinking about it.
Once you realize this – that your subconscious mind is taking you on a journey – you may also begin to realize that this journey and its destination is not where you want to go!
With this new awakening, you can begin to understand that where you are right now – is not your fault.
Years of programming, especially in our early years have been carved deeply into our subconscious mind
Programs that create our core inner values and beliefs which in turn govern our life.
These core values and beliefs control not only what we think, but how people identify us, how we handle money, how we express ourselves, who we choose to be friends with and the people we allow to enter into our lives and most importantly the goals we aspire too.
Most of what we have absorbed through parents, teachers, friends and the media although often well-meaning is based on fears and limitations and can be quite difficult to erase.
What’s worse is that research shows that every time we play these subtle negative thoughts they are reinforced and become more ingrained. The sooner you start the better.
You could spend your whole life being overwhelmed and never recognize its true presence.
But now is the time to access the hidden inner giant within you and claim the things in life you truly want.
Imagine for a moment, what it feels like to have all that you want in life. Love, money, success, recognition, a rich and full life.
Imagine how much easier and faster we could achieve all that if we could bypass the conscious mind and send messages directly to the subconscious with our new blueprint for success!
We have designed these very powerful subliminals to do just that. A technique that actually reprograms your subconscious beliefs and allows your subconscious to lead you to the destination of your choice and accelerates the transformation process.
Sending specially constructed phrases and affirmations for abundance, empowerment, freedom, success, love, health and energy directly to your subconscious.
As your subconscious mind listens and absorbs these positive messages they begin to become hard-wired, transforming your life in imperceptible ways, building layer upon layer, creating permanent personal transformation.
Simply relax and listen and before long our unique subliminals will literally erase all negative thoughts, beliefs and emotional habits that do not support you, replacing them with soaring confidence, untold happiness and immense willpower for the future.
Subliminal Audio Designed To Reprogram And Reshape Your Life

All our subliminals use a revolutionary new way to reprogram your mind – effortlessly.
Using the latest audio technology algorithms it is now possible to not only broadcast positive messages to yourself but to also bypass the conscious brain and go directly to the subconscious.
An almost direct highway straight to the subconscious part of the brain
Together with our specially prepared proprietary affirmation change scripts and breakthrough subliminal audio technology, not only can you change your behavior almost effortlessly but by using this system you can be assured of your daily dose of mind programming. Real subliminal messages are powerful – very powerful. Using this system, subliminal messages penetrate deep into the subconscious mind – where the real work begins.
Condition Your Mind To Achieve Success!
Change Your Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions & Results Change Your Life!
Specially constructed real subliminals that have been designed to help change your life.
Our audio gently erases your old programming which can stifle progress and your own inherent potential and replaces that with new and empowering positive thought patterns to gain the things in life that you want.
Each of our subliminals has unique targeted subliminal messages to accurately help eliminate the exact problem you are experiencing and broadcasts powerful positive statements to the mind.
All of our programs have over 1 hour of total recording time and the 3 twenty-plus minute tracks combine to give you a high-quality listening experience.
Powerful potent subliminal messages have been embedded within our audio recordings with the sole aim to promote and broadcast welcoming positive changes in your life.
Our audio programs have been meticulously crafted and designed to penetrate your mind deeply and to help bring about the changes you want quickly and effortlessly.
It erases any unwanted bad habits or negative past influences that may be holding you back from realizing your full potential.
Our subliminals use our proprietary method to encode both left and right audio channels in such a way that not only are the broadcasting of the subliminal messages more effective they are also fully discernible in a spectrum analyzer.
We also incorporate our exclusive 3 Step Induction System, which includes real audible content.
This ensures your mind is in the most receptive state, ready for the inner change to begin.
Track Listing & Audio Samples

All of our MP3s are delivered immediately as digital downloads and are formatted to the industry quality standard of 320 kbps.
Please note: For the purposes of site speed all of our samples on this page have been considerably reduced in size and compressed, however upon purchasing you will receive 320 kbps quality files.
Track one (20 mins) – SUPER LEARNING NLP Hypnosis MetaVision™ Program (Bonus Track)
The first track NLP Hypnosis MetaVision™ Program combines the pioneering, deeper learning strategies of Dr. Milton Erickson and Neuro-Linguistic-Programming with the ancient wisdom of many religious, philosophical and mystical traditions – and has been intricately conceived to liberate the positive, life-transforming energy of your deeper mind! This track is extremely powerful on its own and utilizes the most fundamental maxims for subliminal life changing events – relaxation as well as opening the mind through NLP to its inherent power for transformation.
This track is audible and takes your mind deeply into a relaxed and receptive state – ready for the next track.
Track 1
Track two (30 mins) – YOUR CHOICE SUBLIMINAL Silent Technology™ In Spiritus With Timeless Ocean Surf (Your Subliminal Session)
The second track is subliminal in nature and contains your choice of life enhancing and dynamically powerful subliminal messages, digitally encoded to install below the threshold of conscious perception. These are layered through different channels with our specially designed and unique masking tracks containing real recorded ocean waves together with an outstanding inspirational music composition – to create the ultimate in powerful subliminal messages delivered directly to your subconscious brain.
Discover the power to change your mind and change your life!
Track 2
Track three (20 mins) – LAW OF ATTRACTION MASTER Silent Technology™ Ascension (Bonus Track)
This is an entire track in its own right and is our gift to YOU
Soar through space and time and transport your SELF to that place where the law of attraction just works. Our Law of Attraction Master track addresses the fundamental negative belief system that most people have. That is, they fail to believe that what they focus on they materialize. By ‘listening’ to this track repeatedly you will ‘silently’ install the subconscious belief that what you focus on YOU WILL MATERIALIZE.
Track 3
3 Products In 1
An incredibly valuable package and some of the most powerful audio recordings ever created to bring about long lasting and effective personal change.
Professionally Engineered To Create The Most Powerful Series Of Subliminals

All of our albums are exported to 320 kbps when converting our original files to MP3s.
This is the standard bit-rate for ensuring a high resolution, high quality superior subliminal MP3 product, and listening experience.
We purposely choose to export our files to this bit-rate to retain the audio fidelity of the recording and avoid damaging the subliminal signal.
This ensures that all of our subliminal downloads are as close in terms of quality to the original recording as possible, making them authentic and effective real subliminals even though they have been compressed to MP3.

Many websites are selling small MP3 files which suffer from low bit-rate compression and will have no effect on the mind.
These audio files are defective and the signal has been damaged during the compression process so avoid at all cost.
Websites giving away free subliminals are giving away audio files that are damaged and are not subliminal at all.
Do not accept anything less than 320 kbps audio files for any MP3 purchases made online.
Many subliminal websites do not adhere to these quality standards so be wary and cautious.
If the audio files you have purchased from other vendors are small chances are the subliminal signal was damaged and was void all along.High-quality subliminal products should be no less than 320 kilobytes per second and in most cases no less than 30 to 40 megabytes in size.
The size of the file isn’t always the determining factor but it can be a clue.
The bit-rate is what you should be more concerned with and we will show you how you can check that.
If you check any reputable online company who distributes audio for example, they offer nothing less than 320 kbps.
The reason for this is to ensure that the quality of the audio is retained, in order to preserve the dynamic range of the audio they must be exported to a certain bit-rate.
This ensures that the quality of the subliminal audio frequencies are kept intact and therefore not destroyed during the compression process this is essential!
This is standard practice for any company who is in the business of selling subliminal audio products
and they should at the very least be offering the best possible audio quality they can, period.
You can check the bit-rate quality of any audio file using this FREE spectrum analyzer called spek here.
We believe this is something that people should be made well aware of before deciding on where to buy their subliminals from.
Many sites who give away free audio files are simply giving away defective audio which will have no effect.
Even youtube videos suffer from compression problems and are not to be used as a substitute for the real thing.
All of our files are checked for audio quality before being made available.
All of our MP3 files can be verified for quality by using the same software.
Our recordings give you the edge that you need to bring about effective personal change.
Not only are you getting the best value for your money, three products in one but you can be safe in the knowledge that the subliminals you buy from us are in fact real and are of the highest audio quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

No special equipment needed. All our albums can be listened to on any MP3 CD player. Mobile phone devices or regular home players are all compatible and can be listened to with or without headphones.
You will hear the complete audio transcript used on the SUPER LEARNING NLP Hypnosis MetaVision™ Program.
You will not be able to hear the affirmations on the tracks of the actual recording. They are sent as subliminal messages at a frequency above
normal hearing. But you can see them – by viewing in a spectrum analyzer. All our subliminal messages are recorded and carried on separate channels – allowing you to not only see them but also if you wish to reverse engineer them.
Our last track is FREE its purpose is to install the subconscious belief that what you focus on YOU will materialize – enabling you to automatically master the Law Of Attraction – without any conscious “effort” on your part.
You can listen to our albums as often as you like and as many times as you like. However, for maximum effect, you should listen at least once a day. Feel free to use the albums as often as you like and at times when you feel you will benefit from it the most.
It is our subconscious that is the driving force and that which holds the key to our lives, subliminal messages are a great way to enter the subconscious without any resistance from the conscious.
Subliminal programming can help remove any unwanted programming that prevents us from achieving our full potential and replaces it with positive suggestions directly to the subconscious. This automatically creates conscious change – and you achieve your potential.
Subliminal Messaging is POWERFUL That’s why the US Government tried to ban it in the 70’s. It gave individuals too much of an edge. Now, today the word is spreading.
One famous experiment flashed the phrases drink more coke and I want popcorn for just 100-milliseconds in front of a movie audience. Nobody saw the messages but popcorn sales shot up 57.8% and coke sales rocketed 18.1%.
Magazines such as New Scientist have christened it the “future of all learning”. And individuals such as Celine Dion and Steven Spielberg rave about it’s effectiveness.
Each program is designed to stimulate you on how to use more of your mind. It is our subconscious mind that is the real core of our being. Our subconscious is the focal point to our memory, senses and bodily processes. Suggestions presented to the subconscious over time bring those suggestions into reality.
Subliminal Programs And The Subconscious
The human subconscious is non-selective with the information it accepts – that means all statements and information that we have processed over our lifetime, are present in our subconscious minds. Our current behavior is based on this. To change our current behavior, we must first change the informational content stored in the subconscious. If we introduce positive suggestions repeatedly, our mind can help bring into reality whatever it is we desire and counteract “negative” subconscious thoughts.
The ability to change the movement & activity of cells including DNA coding in response to a stimulus e.g subliminal programming.
Biokinesis is the term used when one wishes to use the power of there subconscious mind to change one’s physical appearance or change there internal programming, it is most commonly used to change one’s eye color although it can be applied to anything you wish either mental or physical.
The dictionary defines subliminal as “existing or functioning outside the area of conscious awareness”.
It retrains your subconscious mind. When our subconscious programming is positive, our outlook on life is positive. Likewise, if our mind is filled with negative thoughts and notions, so is our outlook. Simply put, as adults, we have the opportunity to willfully make positive changes in our lives. We hold the key and it is solely up to us.
Any of various conditions that resemble sleep, or deep relaxation, as induced by oneself. Because the subconscious mind never sleeps, a series of suggestions can bring about a pleasant state of deep relaxation or light hypnosis.
What Are The Benefits Of Using These Technologies Together
It has been found, through numerous years of careful study and development, that combining self-hypnosis and subliminal suggestion provides one of the most effective personal motivational and improvement tools available today. This mind technology, if used as instructed, can help you in achieving the desired behavioral changes.
The subliminal recordings are designed so that they can become a pleasant background to your daily activities. The more often you use them, the more effective they can become.
Although you can only hear the relaxing sounds or background music the real work is going on in behind. Carefully crafted affirmation statements are being broadcast to your subconscious mind to bring about the changes you desire.
The hypnosis program, when played at a time during the day that you can fully relax will most likely allow you to drift into a deepened state of relaxation or even natural sleep. This is an acceptable state because your subconscious mind never sleeps.
While in a relaxed state your subconscious mind will be more open to the subliminal suggestions contained on the second track and later to the ‘silent’ manifesting third track.
Using this combination will help you balance your conscious and subconscious mind, combining thought and action a component necessary to achieving success.
WARNING: Do not use the hypnosis program when driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery.
First, listen to the hypnosis program. This will help you relax. You should never listen to any of these tracks when you need to remain fully alert. Each track is designed to help your conscious and subconscious minds work together towards harmony and achieving your goals.
Secondly, begin listening to the subliminal program you can do this as often as you wish and as many times per day as is convenient. The positive suggestions and affirmations recorded within the subliminal program can be used anywhere at any time desired as can the third track which is the ‘silent’ manifesting track.
You can also listen to the recordings just before you sleep or just after you wake up. Both these times are when the conscious mind is off guard. You can even gain benefit if you fall asleep as the subconscious never sleeps.
You need to allow at least 7 days of repeated listening to gain the full effect since changing behavioral patterns takes time.
Each of these programs has been carefully researched and designed to help you change your life. Used as instructed an hour per day, whenever possible and for a minimum of 30 days.
While everyone is different, you may begin to experience change within as little as a few days. Most will notice changes in the first two to four weeks.
Each of these products was created and designed to address a specific problem – or area of concern. Each program script is designed to help you achieve your desired result and stimulate your mind.
Only you can make the motivational decision to change, modify, or improve some aspect of your life. These programs are retraining tools to assist you. It is your mind and thoughts that make up your world and your being. If you identify what it is in your life that you want to change or improve and are committed to that effort, then the use of these subliminal suggestion hypnosis programs can serve as an effective tool in the assistance of achieving that goal.
We believe our programs are a simple, easy, and inexpensive way to help you achieve the changes you desire.
Your motivation, plus the use of these subliminal products, can create amazing results!
All of our Mp3s are delivered by direct download.
After your purchase has been approved our automated system will process your order.
Digital orders are typically processed immediately and if for any reason there should be any issues with the download servers please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Once your order has been processed we will send you a confirmation email using the email address you provided on our order form.
This email will serve as your electronic purchase receipt and will contain the information you need to access our product downloads.
All physical orders are processed immediately and are posted within 1 to 2 business working days.
Please allow up to a week to ten days to receive the items, depending on where in the world you are located.
Please refer to our Refund Policy page.
Please use our help desk if you have any questions regarding your shipment. Our shipping & handling charges are straight-forward and simple. All orders include FREE International Shipping!
Please Note: We ship to the exact address that you enter at the time of order. Please make sure that the shipping address is filled in correctly.
We have been in the business of selling subliminals to the online market for many years. We have had the pleasure of providing thousands of customers with positive changing experiences.
We also pride ourselves on offering great customer service, answering all emails within 24 hours and answering any questions you may have regarding products or how to effectively use them. We are a market leader in subliminal recordings, so you can be assured that you are getting the best programming for your mind.
You have access to an incredibly powerful tool that can bring about long-lasting effective change!
Unleash YOUR innate ability to bring about the changes you desire in YOUR life.
Begin to explore your incredible unlimited potential TODAY!