How To Use Affirmations Effectively
The Key To Effective Affirmations
The key to the effective use of positive affirmation in this or any other type of intervention is consistency.
Negative thoughts and self image are usually well established in the belief system.
In many cases the development of a negative self image took years to create and has been reinforced through repetitive behavioral validation.
Once a person creates and then believes that a self limiting belief is true he will continually act as if it is true.
By consistently listening to and practicing positive affirmations the individual will have the opportunity to begin to redefine themselves, enhancing not only their self image but also their life.
With the acceptance of the words and language contained within the positive affirmations there will come an improved self image and with it an experience of positive self esteem.
Altering how a person thinks, improves how they feel about themselves. With an improved self image and enhanced self esteem you can become ALL that you want in your life.
Affirmations will effectively transform the very structure of an individual’s thought or belief pattern.
The basic ideas and language structures that a person uses to define who he thinks he is in the world.
Changing the self talk that a person experiences on a daily basis, changes the ideas or beliefs that the person has about himself – the very foundation or backdrop of inner conversation.
Change the language in a person’s mind and his life transforms.